Designer Ferruccio Laviani
Brand Pianca
Regular, symmetrical geometrical designs evoke a reassuring sense of order. The modular Unless bookcase plays around with the idea of repetition, offering structures than can easily be expanded horizontally or vertically, created from one basic module. A simple slot-in mechanism creates spatial repetitions with subtle, minimal design, that blend into their setting in a very natural way. The Unless bookcase also makes a stunning room divider with the additional possibility of fitting small drawers.

Ferruccio Laviani
is a company, industrial products and retail design artistic director. Since 1999 he designed for Dada and Molteni&C and made significant contributions to the construction of Molteni&C’s sofas and armchairs range. Laviani designed different kitchens for Dada, including Dial and Hi-Line, which were highlights of the company’s last decades. “When I design I am always quite instinctive. Places, a journey or a subject that fascinates me can make me see things from another perspective.”